AND THE MADNESS JUST BEGUN ! Ναι Irrelevants μόλις έχουμε δει το πρώτο βίντεο της 4ης σεζόν για το Person of Interest και ήδη έχουμε πωρωθεί . Αν και είναι ήδη φανερό ότι η Ομάδα της Μηχανής είναι σε μειονεκτική θέση αυτό το βίντεο μας το επιβεβαίωσε πλήρως . Ας αναλύσουμε λίγο τί είδαμε τι ειπώθηκε στο Comic Con του San Diego .

To βίντεο ξεκινάει λίγο περιέργα μπαίνει ένας τύπος σε ένα μπάρ είναι μια ξανθιά (o νέος χαρακτήρας για τον οποίο είχαμε μιλήσει) απέναντι του και την ρωτάει αν είναι θρησκευόμενη εάν πιστεύει σε κάποια ανώτερη δύναμη . Συνεχίζει λέγοντας της να φανταστεί ότι ο κόσμος έχει αλλάξει εντελώς και κανεις δεν είχε παρατηρήσει τίποτα . Μια διεθνής μυστική επιχείρηση που απέκτησε και έκλεισε κάθε εταιρία που έκανε έρευνα για την Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη . Εκείνη τον ρωτάει εάν η Τ.Ν είναι κάτι αληθινό . Εκείνος κάπως φοβισμένα της απαντάει ότι είναι ήδη εδώ γλίστρησε στο κόσμο απροειδοποίητα και διέλυσε τους εχθρούς της (Σαμαρείτης vs Μηχανή) .

Μετά πάμε σε σκηνές απο την περσινή σεζόν του Person of Interest με πλάνα μέσα απο τον Σαμαρείτη και τότε σκάει η πρώτη νέα σκηνή . Γκριρ και Γκάρισον περπατάνε σε μια προβλήτα με τον δεύτερο να ρωτάει τι απέγινε ο Φιντς μετά τη νύχτα της βομβιστικής επίθεσης . Εκείνος τον διαβεβαιώνει ότι ο Φιντς και όποιος δούλευε μαζί του είναι πιο μακριά απο κάθε τους ανησυχία . Κάτω απο όποια πέτρα και αν διάλεξαν να κρυφτούν θα τους βρούν μόλις αναδυθούν . Και μετά η σκηνή που όλοι περιμέναμε Ρις Φιντς να παίζουν σκάκι σε ένα πάρκο (εκεί δίπλα υπάρχει και ο Μπέαρ ως καμουφλάζ) . "Παίρνουμε αριθμούς ξανα" λέει ο Ρις με τον Φιντς να απορεί "Αριθμούς ; Απο την Μηχανή ;" με τον Τζον να απαντάει οτι ξεμένουν απο χρόνο και πρέπει να επιστρέψουν στη δουλειά τους . Και ο διάλογος συνεχίζεται "υπάρχει μια μεγαλύτερη δύναμη φανερά εκεί έξω που είμαστε ανίκανοι να αντιμετωπίσουμε" "Πρέπει να κάνουμε κάτι" "Και να θέλαμε δεν θα μπορούσαμε , δεν έχουμε καθόλου πόρους , δεν υπάρχει άσυλο εάν είχες 9 ζωές πριν τώρα έχουν μειωθεί σε μία" "Δεν χρειαζόμαστε δουλειές Χάρολντ . Χρειαζόμαστε σκοπό !! " (touche απο τον Ρις στον Φιντς όπως του την είχε πει και εκείνος 3 χρόνια πριν) .


Μετά πάμε σε μερικές παλιές σκηνές που μας σημάδεψαν (βλέπε Τζον Ρις νευριασμένο στο θάνατο της Κάρτερ) . Ώρα όμως για νέες ο Φιντς θα δουλεύει σε ένα πανεπιστήμιο στο Μπρούκλυν όπως είχαμε σωστά πληροφορηθεί (selfie five για μένα που το βρήκα) και θα έχει το όνομα Harold Whistler . ΚΑΙ ΤΩΡΑ ΡΟΥΤ ΝΑΙ ΜΩΡΗ ΤΡΕΛΑ ΝΑΙ ΜΩΡΗ ΘΕΑΡΑ ΝΑΙ ΡΕ ΘΕΑΡΑ ΞΑΝΑ ! Καφές στροφή κλείσιμο ματιού και ... Σω . Σε ένα μαγαζί τύπου Hondos Center η Σω δουλεύει εκεί αφού όπως της εξηγεί και η Ρουτ αυτός ήταν ο μόνος τρόπος για να την κρατήσει ζωντανή η Σω τουλάχιστον θέλει να διασκεδάσει για αυτό ελπίζει ο Ρις να δουλεύει ως barista δηλαδή άτομο που φτιάχνει και σερβίρει καφέ . Ο Ρις όμως έχει άλλα σχέδια και έτσι δουλεύει για την Αστυνομία . Εκεί φτάσαμε εκεί που τον κυνηγούσαν τώρα να εργάζονται μαζί του . Καρτοτηλέφωνα ακόμα χτυπάνε με αριθμούς απο την Μηχανή . Ο Φάσκο ακόμα δουλεύει ως Ντετέκτιβ (με συνεργάτη τον Ρις άραγε ; ) . Σω Ρις φαίνεται να είναι στο πανεπιστήμιο του Φιντς όταν χτυπάει το καρτοτηλέφωνο . Βλέπουμε Ρις και Σω σε μερικές bad-ass στιγμές . Και ΕΛΑΙΑΣ !! Ναι και όμως ναι επέστρεψε . Έχουμε να τον δούμε απο το 10ο επεισόδιο της περσινής σεζόν όταν δίνοντας έναν λόγο περί πολιτισμού και περιθωριακών τύπων έδωσε την εντολή να σκοτώσει ο Scarface τον Simmons ως αντίποινα για τον θάνατο της Κάρτερ . Ελπίζω να έχει παραπάνω συμμετοχή φέτος .

Για το τέλος σας άφησα το καλύτερο . Η Ρουτ να κατσαδιάζει τον Χάρολντ και όμως εκεί φτάσαμε . "Τώρα δεν είναι η ώρα να είσα πολύτιμος (συγγνώμη αν έχω κάνει κάποιο λάθος εδώ) Χάρολντ , δεν μπορείς να μην συμμετέχεις σε αυτό εδώ . Το πράγμα το οποίο αντιμετωπίζουμε έχει σχεδόν άπειρους πόρους κυβερνήσεις δουλεύουν χωρίς την θέληση τους εκ μέρους του πράκτορες σε όλο το κόσμο το προστατεύουν . Ξέρεις πόσους έχουμε εμείς ; 5 . 6 αν μετρήσεις και το σκύλο . Πρέπει να διαλέξεις πλευρά γιατί αυτό είναι πόλεμος !! ΠΩΡΩΣΕ ΜΑΣ ΡΕ ΡΟΥΤ ! Τελευταίο πλάνο έχουμε τον Γκρίρ απο το 3.16 καθισμένο στο σκοτάδι ; Τυχαίο ή θέλουν να μας δείξουν τον μεγάλο εχθρό της σεζόν ; Τέλος επιστρέφουμε σε αυτούς που είχαμε δεί στην αρχή . Η ξανθιά πιό αποφασιστική τώρα λέει " Ο κόσμος ΈΧΕΙ αλλάξει . Και δεν είσαι ο μόνος που το κατάλαβε αυτό .Είσαι ένας απο τους τρείς . Οι άλλοι δύο θα πεθάνουν σε ενα αυτοκινητιστικό ατύχημα στο Σιάτλ σε 14 λεπτά" Γουέλ , αυτό ήταν ωραίο . Ποιός ήταν αυτός και γιατί τον σκότωσε ο νέος μας χαρακτήρας αφού δεν δουλεύει για τον Σαμαρείτη και τη Ντέσιμα ; Ποιοί ήταν οι άλλοι δύο ; Πως κατάφεραν να μάθουν για τη νέα τάξη πραγμάτων ;

Μερικά σχόλια μέχρι εδώ . Ο Φιντς φαίνεται ξεκαθαρα πως διστάζει και φοβάται να κάνει αυτό που έκανε παλιά : να σώζει κόσμο . Ξέρει πόσο δυνατός είναι ο Σαμαρείτης ξέρει ότι με το παραμικρό λάθος θα τους εντοπίσει και τότε όλα θα τελειώσουν αλλά όπως είπε και η Ρουτ έχουμε πόλεμο πρέπει να διαλέξει πλευρά και να πολεμήσει ! Ο Ρις φαίνεται ο πιο αποφασισμένος μαζί με την Ρουτ . Η Σω γκρινιάζει ως συνήθως . Ελπίζω σε περισσότερο Φάσκο και Ελάιας φέτος . Cara Buono : θετικότατη πρώτη εντύπωση femme fatale μας υποσχέθηκαν και απο την πρώτη γεύση αυτό ακριβώς θα έχουμε . Περιμένω και άλλα για αυτό το χαρακτήρα .

Πάμε τώρα να δούμε όσα ειπώθηκαν στη συνέντευξη στο Comic Con . Ο Νόλαν ξεκίνησε λέγοντας ότι είναι πολύ λυπηρό να βρίσκονται στο Comic Con χωρίς την Taraji P.Henson (που ούτε πέρσι είχε πάει εκεί λόγβ της συμμετοχής της σε μία φιλανθρωπική εκδήλωση) και ότι είχαν έναν πολύ καλό δρόμο μέχρι το θάνατο της . Συνέχισε ο έτερος παραγωγός Γκρέγκ Πλεγκμαν λέγοντας ότι η φετινή σεζόν είναι σχετικά με το πόλεμο . Ερωτώμενοι αν ο Σαμαρείτης θα έχει φωνή απέφυγαν να απαντήσουν αλλά η γενική αντίδραση έδειχνε πως ναι . Μετά ήταν η σειρά του Ρις ο οποίος δήλωσε ότι κοιτάζει την θλίψη του Ρις με αθλητικούς όρους επιβίωση και πρόοδος . (ο σχολιαστής είπε ο Caviezel έπρεπε να είναι ο νέος Μπάτμαν και εκεί έκαναν χαμό οι φανς) . Ύστερα ήρθε η ώρα του Θεού . Michael Emerson : Μου αρέσει να δουλεύω με τη σύζηγο μου (Carrie Preston στο ρόλο της Grace) στη σειρά παρόλο που είναι παράξενο . Είναι ένα ακόμα επίπεδο δυσκολίας . Είναι ο μόνος ρόλος που έχω παίξει στον οποίο έχω μία ρομαντικη ιστορία κατα κάποιο τρόπο . Eίναι ντροπή αλλά ο μόνο φαντασικός χαρακτήρας που έχω φιλήσει σε σειρά είναι η γυναίκα μου (Awww Emerson) .

Mετά έχουμε την Σω να λέει ότι θα εμβαθύνουμε φέτος λίγο ακόμα στο χαρακτήρα της και όταν κάποιος την αποκάλεσε κοντή (μόλις 1.52) είπε ότι απλά έχει αστείο μέγεθος . Μπορεί να της αρέσει που είναι μέλος σε μία ομάδα αλλά οποιαδήποτε στιγμή μπορεί να φύγει. Σειρά της Ρουτ η οποία δηλώνει ότι έχει καταστήσει σαφές ότι νοιάζεται μόνο για την Μηχανή και καλά θα κάνουν να την ακούνε όλοι οι υπόλοιποι (μπηχτή για Φιντς και Ρις) . O Nόλαν μετά τις διαρροές της NSA για τις οποίες αποδείχθηκε ότι είχε δίκιο μπόρεσε να απολύσει τον ψυχολόγο του (μαζέψτε τον) . Τόνισε ότι θα κάνουν ότι μπορούν για να φέρουν την Zoe Morgan πίσω . Διευκρίνησε ότι δε θα το γαμήσουν (με δικά μου λόγια) με την τεχνολογία αλλά θα διατηρήσουν ένα επίπεδο-όριο. Σχετικά με το ship Ρουτ Σω η δεύτερη είπε πως το σενάριο γράφει : Είναι μερικά χιλιοστά μακρία το προσώπο της μίας απο της άλλης και βασικά λένε τα λόγια τους η μία μέσα στο στόμα της άλλης. ΔΙΚΑΙΩΣΗ ! Εδώ και τόσους μήνες τα λέω επιτέλους ! Λεσβιακά Ρουτ Σω !
Μια απο τις ερωτήσεις θα ήταν εαν θα μπορέσει να επιβιώσει η σειρά μετά απο τον θάνατο του Ρις ή του Φιντς με τον δεύτερο να απαντάει ότι δεν θέλει να κάνει αυτή τη συζήτηση ότι του χάλασαν την μέρα με αυτό που του είπαν (λέμε τώρα) και ότι πρέπει να προχωράνε ΣΑΝ να είναι όλοι αναλώσιμοι ώστε να διατηρηθεί το δράμα . Σειρά του Πλεγκμαν να μιλήσει λέγοντας ότι τους αρέσει να γράφουν για μία οντότητα που είναι πολυ πιο έξυπνη απο αυτούς (Μπράβο στους παραγωγούς για αυτό) και ότι με τις δύο τεχνητές νοημοσύνες στο παιχνίδι θα ανεβάσουν επικίνδυνα την θερμοκρασία φετος ! Ο Φάσκο χαρακτήρισε ώς αγαπήμενη του στιγμή εκείνη με την Κουρκοβα (2.12 Prisoners dilemma) *ΔΕΣΕΧΑΛΑΣΕ ΦΑΣΚΟ* . Τέλος στη κλασσική πια ερώτηση αν προτιμάει τον ρόλο του Φιντς ή του Μπεν Λάινους ο Μαικλ Έμερσον απάντησε ότι και οι δύο είναι εξαιρετικοί ρόλοι και δεν θέλει να τους ξεχωρίσει . Και οι δύο είναι έξυπνοι άντρες σε αποστολή και ναι μεν είναι ωραίο να τρέχεις στη ζούγκλα έχοντας και όλα αυτά τα υπερφυσικά πράγματα αλλά εδώ του αρέσει που είναι ο καλός . Να πούμε ότι ο Jim Caviezel μετά απο μία ερώτηση απο ένα κοριτσάκι πήδηξε πάνω απο το τραπέζι και πήγε να την αγκαλιάσει επειδή ήταν λέει στην ίδια ηλικία με τη κόρη του και το ίδιο όμορφη . Όλοι λένε τα καλύτερα για το χαρακτήρα του Jim είναι απο τους πιο καλούς ανθρώπους εντός και εκτος δουλειάς .

Σας κούρασα με όλο αυτό ε ; Εγω να δείτε πόσο κουράστηκα που το έγραφα (ναί ούτε σήμερα είμαι καλά και ΟΧΙ ΣΤΑΥΡΟ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΩ ΠΙΕΙ) . Ας παραθέσουμε μερικές φωτογραφίες και ξέρετε τώρα πια . Stay tuned με λιγότερο απο δύο μήνες να απομένουν θα έχουμε πιο πολλά νέα πια .


(Μια ευχή για τον Γκριρ)
PM: “It’s very sad to be up here without Taraji Henson at this year’s
Comic-Con, but we had a really good run leading up [to hear death],”
Nolan says.
6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
- See more at:
6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
- See more at:
PM: “It’s very sad to be up here without Taraji Henson at this year’s
Comic-Con, but we had a really good run leading up [to hear death],”
Nolan says.
6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
6:30 PM: The moderator says Caviezel should play Batman. The crowd cheers.
6:31 PM: “I like working with my spouse on the show, even though it’s strange,” Emerson says. “It’s an added layer of’s the only role I’ve played where I’ve had a romantic life…in a way, it’s a shame the only woman I’ve kissed on camera is my [real] wife.”
6:33 PM: A shout out to the writers! “These are the men and women who make us look good, so thanks!” Chapman says.
6:34 PM: “If I can’t kill somebody, I might as well save them,” Shahi jokes.
“We got to see a little bit inside Shaw…I thought it was an interesting thing the writers had for me to do,” she adds. “I like playing a character that’s part of a group, but at any moment she could walk off giving them the bird.”
6:37 PM: “I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent in that I’m only looking out for the Machine,” Acker says. She points out that right now, the Machine looks like the better of the two AI programs.
6:38 PM: “I was able to fire my therapist…it was very validating,” Nolan cracks about being proven right about the NSA leaks.
6:39 PM: Shahi says before the show, she lived in a “pink bubble with frozen yogurt and babies…now I’m all screwy in the head.”
6:39 PM: Will Zoey be back? “We’ll definitely be looking for more chances to get her back,” Nolan says.
6:40 PM: “What its endgame is something we hope to explore next season,” Nolan says of Decima.
6:42 PM: “Fusco is the only one still on the grid, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out,” Chapman says.
6:42 PM: When a fan says she’s “too short,” Shahi quickly corrects her that she’s “fun-size.”
6:43 PM: Could the team survive if Reese or Finch died? “I never want to have that conversation,” Emerson cracks. “Have you come here to spoil my day?” He points out that they have to proceed as if they are expendable in order for drama to be there.
6:44 PM: Shahi says she’s been pitching Shaw getting her head shaved on camera. She also jokes she wants a robotic arm.
6:46 PM: All technology is open to play with, but they want to keep it grounded.
6:47 PM: “I think it all goes back to having great writers, and we have great female writers on the staff,” Acker says when being asked about playing a strong female on the show. “We get to do everything the boys get to do, and sometimes more. And we get to flirt with each other.”
On the Shaw/Root flirting, Shahi says in the script, it basically says, “They’re inches away from each other’s faces and they basically say the lines into each other’s mouths.”
6:49 PM: “One of the things we enjoy talking about the most is writing for an intelligence that is more intelligent than we are,” Nolan says. And as the two AIs ramp up this year: “We’re turning up the heat this season.”
6:51 PM: “Is PERSON OF INTEREST the story of the Machine told from the future?” a fan asks. The showrunners seems a bit flabbergasted and toss it off to Emerson. He says that’s an excellent idea.
6:53 PM: “It’s like two old veterans going at it with hammers and tongs.”
6:54 PM: A wee child asks Caviezel which was more fun for him: this or PASSION OF THE CHRIST: “This one is a little more funner by this much, because we get to shoot guns a lot,” he says.
6:57 PM: Caviezel says in some ways, Reese is a “Sin eater” for Finch, trying to amend for his past.
6:58 PM: “So far, we still have some flirtation going on as the season is going on…I think Root likes to push Shaw’s buttons,” Acker notes.
6:59 PM: Nolan praises their “absolutely brilliant” composer.
7:00 PM: Plageman says they’re all technical writers, and one of their current writers was a former interrogator and pilot.
7:02 PM: Fave moments?
Chapman: “The model thing didn’t suck.”
Emerson: “I like the mathematical stuff…it gets to educate me.” He also notes you have to invest something different to get excited about math.
7:04 PM: “These are both really good roles, and I don’t think of them separately as you do,” Emerson says when asked if he prefers Ben or Finch. “Both are smart men on a mission. It was fun to be running around in a jungle…all of the supernatural stuff was good. But I’m happy to be a good guy, too.”
- See more at:
6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
6:30 PM: The moderator says Caviezel should play Batman. The crowd cheers.
6:31 PM: “I like working with my spouse on the show, even though it’s strange,” Emerson says. “It’s an added layer of’s the only role I’ve played where I’ve had a romantic life…in a way, it’s a shame the only woman I’ve kissed on camera is my [real] wife.”
6:33 PM: A shout out to the writers! “These are the men and women who make us look good, so thanks!” Chapman says.
6:34 PM: “If I can’t kill somebody, I might as well save them,” Shahi jokes.
“We got to see a little bit inside Shaw…I thought it was an interesting thing the writers had for me to do,” she adds. “I like playing a character that’s part of a group, but at any moment she could walk off giving them the bird.”
6:37 PM: “I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent in that I’m only looking out for the Machine,” Acker says. She points out that right now, the Machine looks like the better of the two AI programs.
6:38 PM: “I was able to fire my therapist…it was very validating,” Nolan cracks about being proven right about the NSA leaks.
6:39 PM: Shahi says before the show, she lived in a “pink bubble with frozen yogurt and babies…now I’m all screwy in the head.”
6:39 PM: Will Zoey be back? “We’ll definitely be looking for more chances to get her back,” Nolan says.
6:40 PM: “What its endgame is something we hope to explore next season,” Nolan says of Decima.
6:42 PM: “Fusco is the only one still on the grid, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out,” Chapman says.
6:42 PM: When a fan says she’s “too short,” Shahi quickly corrects her that she’s “fun-size.”
6:43 PM: Could the team survive if Reese or Finch died? “I never want to have that conversation,” Emerson cracks. “Have you come here to spoil my day?” He points out that they have to proceed as if they are expendable in order for drama to be there.
6:44 PM: Shahi says she’s been pitching Shaw getting her head shaved on camera. She also jokes she wants a robotic arm.
6:46 PM: All technology is open to play with, but they want to keep it grounded.
6:47 PM: “I think it all goes back to having great writers, and we have great female writers on the staff,” Acker says when being asked about playing a strong female on the show. “We get to do everything the boys get to do, and sometimes more. And we get to flirt with each other.”
On the Shaw/Root flirting, Shahi says in the script, it basically says, “They’re inches away from each other’s faces and they basically say the lines into each other’s mouths.”
6:49 PM: “One of the things we enjoy talking about the most is writing for an intelligence that is more intelligent than we are,” Nolan says. And as the two AIs ramp up this year: “We’re turning up the heat this season.”
6:51 PM: “Is PERSON OF INTEREST the story of the Machine told from the future?” a fan asks. The showrunners seems a bit flabbergasted and toss it off to Emerson. He says that’s an excellent idea.
6:53 PM: “It’s like two old veterans going at it with hammers and tongs.”
6:54 PM: A wee child asks Caviezel which was more fun for him: this or PASSION OF THE CHRIST: “This one is a little more funner by this much, because we get to shoot guns a lot,” he says.
6:57 PM: Caviezel says in some ways, Reese is a “Sin eater” for Finch, trying to amend for his past.
6:58 PM: “So far, we still have some flirtation going on as the season is going on…I think Root likes to push Shaw’s buttons,” Acker notes.
6:59 PM: Nolan praises their “absolutely brilliant” composer.
7:00 PM: Plageman says they’re all technical writers, and one of their current writers was a former interrogator and pilot.
7:02 PM: Fave moments?
Chapman: “The model thing didn’t suck.”
Emerson: “I like the mathematical stuff…it gets to educate me.” He also notes you have to invest something different to get excited about math.
7:04 PM: “These are both really good roles, and I don’t think of them separately as you do,” Emerson says when asked if he prefers Ben or Finch. “Both are smart men on a mission. It was fun to be running around in a jungle…all of the supernatural stuff was good. But I’m happy to be a good guy, too.”
- See more at:
PM: “It’s very sad to be up here without Taraji Henson at this year’s
Comic-Con, but we had a really good run leading up [to hear death],”
Nolan says.
6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
6:30 PM: The moderator says Caviezel should play Batman. The crowd cheers.
6:31 PM: “I like working with my spouse on the show, even though it’s strange,” Emerson says. “It’s an added layer of’s the only role I’ve played where I’ve had a romantic life…in a way, it’s a shame the only woman I’ve kissed on camera is my [real] wife.”
6:33 PM: A shout out to the writers! “These are the men and women who make us look good, so thanks!” Chapman says.
6:34 PM: “If I can’t kill somebody, I might as well save them,” Shahi jokes.
“We got to see a little bit inside Shaw…I thought it was an interesting thing the writers had for me to do,” she adds. “I like playing a character that’s part of a group, but at any moment she could walk off giving them the bird.”
6:37 PM: “I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent in that I’m only looking out for the Machine,” Acker says. She points out that right now, the Machine looks like the better of the two AI programs.
6:38 PM: “I was able to fire my therapist…it was very validating,” Nolan cracks about being proven right about the NSA leaks.
6:39 PM: Shahi says before the show, she lived in a “pink bubble with frozen yogurt and babies…now I’m all screwy in the head.”
6:39 PM: Will Zoey be back? “We’ll definitely be looking for more chances to get her back,” Nolan says.
6:40 PM: “What its endgame is something we hope to explore next season,” Nolan says of Decima.
6:42 PM: “Fusco is the only one still on the grid, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out,” Chapman says.
6:42 PM: When a fan says she’s “too short,” Shahi quickly corrects her that she’s “fun-size.”
6:43 PM: Could the team survive if Reese or Finch died? “I never want to have that conversation,” Emerson cracks. “Have you come here to spoil my day?” He points out that they have to proceed as if they are expendable in order for drama to be there.
6:44 PM: Shahi says she’s been pitching Shaw getting her head shaved on camera. She also jokes she wants a robotic arm.
6:46 PM: All technology is open to play with, but they want to keep it grounded.
6:47 PM: “I think it all goes back to having great writers, and we have great female writers on the staff,” Acker says when being asked about playing a strong female on the show. “We get to do everything the boys get to do, and sometimes more. And we get to flirt with each other.”
On the Shaw/Root flirting, Shahi says in the script, it basically says, “They’re inches away from each other’s faces and they basically say the lines into each other’s mouths.”
6:49 PM: “One of the things we enjoy talking about the most is writing for an intelligence that is more intelligent than we are,” Nolan says. And as the two AIs ramp up this year: “We’re turning up the heat this season.”
6:51 PM: “Is PERSON OF INTEREST the story of the Machine told from the future?” a fan asks. The showrunners seems a bit flabbergasted and toss it off to Emerson. He says that’s an excellent idea.
6:53 PM: “It’s like two old veterans going at it with hammers and tongs.”
6:54 PM: A wee child asks Caviezel which was more fun for him: this or PASSION OF THE CHRIST: “This one is a little more funner by this much, because we get to shoot guns a lot,” he says.
6:57 PM: Caviezel says in some ways, Reese is a “Sin eater” for Finch, trying to amend for his past.
6:58 PM: “So far, we still have some flirtation going on as the season is going on…I think Root likes to push Shaw’s buttons,” Acker notes.
6:59 PM: Nolan praises their “absolutely brilliant” composer.
7:00 PM: Plageman says they’re all technical writers, and one of their current writers was a former interrogator and pilot.
7:02 PM: Fave moments?
Chapman: “The model thing didn’t suck.”
Emerson: “I like the mathematical stuff…it gets to educate me.” He also notes you have to invest something different to get excited about math.
7:04 PM: “These are both really good roles, and I don’t think of them separately as you do,” Emerson says when asked if he prefers Ben or Finch. “Both are smart men on a mission. It was fun to be running around in a jungle…all of the supernatural stuff was good. But I’m happy to be a good guy, too.”
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6:28 PM: “This season is about war,” Plageman says. “It’s about the battle between two artificial intelligences.” And the guys are asked whether Samaritan will get a voice and the panelists squirm…looks like a yes!
6:29 PM: “I kind of look at it in athletic terms,” Caviezel says about playing Reese’s grief. “Survive and advance…I take it one shot at a time.”
6:30 PM: The moderator says Caviezel should play Batman. The crowd cheers.
6:31 PM: “I like working with my spouse on the show, even though it’s strange,” Emerson says. “It’s an added layer of’s the only role I’ve played where I’ve had a romantic life…in a way, it’s a shame the only woman I’ve kissed on camera is my [real] wife.”
6:33 PM: A shout out to the writers! “These are the men and women who make us look good, so thanks!” Chapman says.
6:34 PM: “If I can’t kill somebody, I might as well save them,” Shahi jokes.
“We got to see a little bit inside Shaw…I thought it was an interesting thing the writers had for me to do,” she adds. “I like playing a character that’s part of a group, but at any moment she could walk off giving them the bird.”
6:37 PM: “I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent in that I’m only looking out for the Machine,” Acker says. She points out that right now, the Machine looks like the better of the two AI programs.
6:38 PM: “I was able to fire my therapist…it was very validating,” Nolan cracks about being proven right about the NSA leaks.
6:39 PM: Shahi says before the show, she lived in a “pink bubble with frozen yogurt and babies…now I’m all screwy in the head.”
6:39 PM: Will Zoey be back? “We’ll definitely be looking for more chances to get her back,” Nolan says.
6:40 PM: “What its endgame is something we hope to explore next season,” Nolan says of Decima.
6:42 PM: “Fusco is the only one still on the grid, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out,” Chapman says.
6:42 PM: When a fan says she’s “too short,” Shahi quickly corrects her that she’s “fun-size.”
6:43 PM: Could the team survive if Reese or Finch died? “I never want to have that conversation,” Emerson cracks. “Have you come here to spoil my day?” He points out that they have to proceed as if they are expendable in order for drama to be there.
6:44 PM: Shahi says she’s been pitching Shaw getting her head shaved on camera. She also jokes she wants a robotic arm.
6:46 PM: All technology is open to play with, but they want to keep it grounded.
6:47 PM: “I think it all goes back to having great writers, and we have great female writers on the staff,” Acker says when being asked about playing a strong female on the show. “We get to do everything the boys get to do, and sometimes more. And we get to flirt with each other.”
On the Shaw/Root flirting, Shahi says in the script, it basically says, “They’re inches away from each other’s faces and they basically say the lines into each other’s mouths.”
6:49 PM: “One of the things we enjoy talking about the most is writing for an intelligence that is more intelligent than we are,” Nolan says. And as the two AIs ramp up this year: “We’re turning up the heat this season.”
6:51 PM: “Is PERSON OF INTEREST the story of the Machine told from the future?” a fan asks. The showrunners seems a bit flabbergasted and toss it off to Emerson. He says that’s an excellent idea.
6:53 PM: “It’s like two old veterans going at it with hammers and tongs.”
6:54 PM: A wee child asks Caviezel which was more fun for him: this or PASSION OF THE CHRIST: “This one is a little more funner by this much, because we get to shoot guns a lot,” he says.
6:57 PM: Caviezel says in some ways, Reese is a “Sin eater” for Finch, trying to amend for his past.
6:58 PM: “So far, we still have some flirtation going on as the season is going on…I think Root likes to push Shaw’s buttons,” Acker notes.
6:59 PM: Nolan praises their “absolutely brilliant” composer.
7:00 PM: Plageman says they’re all technical writers, and one of their current writers was a former interrogator and pilot.
7:02 PM: Fave moments?
Chapman: “The model thing didn’t suck.”
Emerson: “I like the mathematical stuff…it gets to educate me.” He also notes you have to invest something different to get excited about math.
7:04 PM: “These are both really good roles, and I don’t think of them separately as you do,” Emerson says when asked if he prefers Ben or Finch. “Both are smart men on a mission. It was fun to be running around in a jungle…all of the supernatural stuff was good. But I’m happy to be a good guy, too.”
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